Businesses are well familiar with the concept of nearshoring, and they often make use of this business strategy to give a boost to their profit margin. Nearshoring means giving out a certain part of a business to a country that comes in near the vicinity of the parent company. This allows businesses to enjoy better profit because of lower labor costs.
Nearshoring requires deep research to find a transparent and reliable partner. Some nearshoring companies can provide tremendous benefits to the parent company because of their professionalism. If you are considering expanding your business but you are struggling to make a final decision about which strategy to adopt, this article might help you in this regard.
Nearshoring And Other Business Approaches
Apart from hiring in-house staff, businesses can hire staff or a team for a particular project from the world outside. There are different approaches to achieve that.
- Outsourcing
- Nearshoring
- Offshoring
- Onshoring
The following paragraphs will discuss Nearshoring with other business approaches, and how nearshoring can be a better option for your business.
Nearshoring And Outsourcing
Outsourcing is a broader term. It simply means to agree with a company to perform certain projects or tasks for the parent company. It can be within the same city, country, or in foreign countries. The main purpose of outsourcing is to provide cost-effective solutions for a particular task at hand. Businesses look for this approach to cut some load off of the in-house employees.
Nearshoring itself is a type of outsourcing. Other types of outsourcing include offshoring and onshoring.
Nearshoring And Onshoring
Onshoring means hiring a company for a certain job and that company is located in the same country or city as the parent company. This approach may help businesses finish projects on time, and with greater efficiency. However, it may not be as cost-effective as nearshoring since the labor cost, taxes, etc are the same for the onshore company as that for the parent company.
Onshoring has a few advantages over nearshoring. You will not face any cultural differences, language barriers, or even added taxes that other countries may ask for from foreign companies. But the disadvantage of having the same pricing may not be as helpful as nearshoring.
Nearshoring And Offshoring
Offshoring means going into an agreement with a company that is located in a different region of the world. Offshore companies are in a different time zone, and most probably have a different language and a huge cultural difference.
Offshoring may be cost-effective since most companies located in Western countries Offshore their business to Asian and African countries, where labor cost is considerably low. However, owing to different time zones, cultural and experiential differences, legal differences and long-distance may cause a few problems for your business. Nearshoring eliminates the risk of all these differences.
Benefits Of Nearshoring For A Business

If the difference between different business approaches is not compelling enough, here is a list of a few benefits that nearshoring can provide for your business.
- It Can Cut Cost Of A Project
Since the labor cost of the nearshore country is lower than the country your business is located in, it can save you a lot of money in terms of labor costs, resources, and experienced professionals at lower wages. Since nearshoring means less distance between the two companies, you can save a considerable amount of travel time, and the expenditure on the travel.
The entire purpose of nearshoring is to provide cost-effective solutions to your problems.
- It Provides Access To Professional Experts
It is a matter of fact that western countries are getting short of IT experts, while the IT industry is rising in underdeveloped countries. Therefore, these countries have teams of expert professionals that are looking for work. Nearshoring your business in one such country can provide you with a team of experts, at a very low cost. Since nearshoring companies have the same work culture and time zone as your business, you will not face many communication gaps and other related issues.
- It Can Give You A Competitive Edge
Since nearshoring allows you to explore professionals that have worked in a different market, their experience can make your business grow in ways your competitors have not imagined. The nearshoring companies provide greater flexibility and creativity, as compared to the in-house staff. You can get better advice and a chance to exploit new and innovative ways that may help your business grow at a much faster pace.
In a nutshell, nearshoring is a better business approach for you, if you want to grow your business cost-effectively. It allows working with a team of professional experts, that follows the same time zone and work ethics as your country, but at very wages. Nearshoring also helps you introduce innovative ideas in your existing market.