If you’re a financial advisor, you have to leverage every possible advantage that you can get to survive in a competitive marketplace. Having additional support for financial advisors, in the form of technological tools or expert assistance, can help your business achieve greater heights.
Here are some of the top reasons why you need additional support for your business:

Boost System Security and Reliability
When you can reliably access your system and business tools at any time of the day, you’re able to optimize the services you provide for your clients. IT support services offer the following to ensure that your data is safe and available when you need it:
- Regular critical security patches to minimize weaknesses in the system
- Frequent backups to prevent data loss that can expose your clients’ sensitive information
- Periodic review of your system to identify any issues that can potentially cause outages or vulnerabilities
Some financial advisors make the mistake of thinking that they can just deal with problems on a contingency basis. However, it is always better to choose a preemptive strategy. Considering the sensitive nature of the data that you’re handling, you want to be sure that your access to such data is secure and guaranteed.
24/7 IT Consulting and Support
As a financial advisor, your business is most likely client-focused and fast-paced. This means that you need to have a secure and reliable team to ensure the dependability of any IT infrastructure you’re using.
Support services understand the unique needs of your business. They can come up with tailor-made IT solutions to help you achieve your business goals. They can also provide you with expert advice on the following issues:
- How and when to upgrade your network
- Dealing with issues that impact your profitability and efficiency
- Selecting and deploying and new IT tools or software
- Help you understand the pros and cons of transitioning to the cloud
With a support service provider, you also get the benefit of 24/7 support for your system and website. Not only are they able to help you deal with any system problems that you encounter, but you can also enlist their services to provide support for your clients. They can help with qualifying leads and act as a buffer between you and potential clients who need assistance.
Assistance with Compliance Concerns
Complying with government regulations is a must for any financial advisor. There are steep penalties and sanctions for financial advisors that ignore government regulations. Furthermore, even those who try to follow the rules can still make mistakes that can land them in hot water. Because of this, it is necessary to seek professional assistance if you’re not well-versed in this area.
Below are some of the common areas of concern that financial advisors need to pay attention to:
- Issues pertaining to client communications and blog posting.
- Valuation methods and appraisal processes, especially because compliance agencies tend to discount the value of an asset below its actual worth.
- Security issues pertaining to cybersecurity and ID theft, which means that financial advisors need to allocate enough resources to safeguard client data.
- Marketing and advertising procedures, for instance, financial advisors who offer mortgages are bound by the regulations requiring ethical and truthful advertisements. For other products and services, financial advisors may be required to include disclaimers in their ads.
- Domestic and foreign tax compliance issues, especially for clients who seek foreign investment to reduce their tax burden
Dealing with compliance issues is one of the most challenging and inescapable aspects of being a financial advisor. You need to devote sufficient attention to this area if you want to avoid serious problems with your clients and the government later on.
Disaster Recovery
Sometimes, disasters and unexpected events can have severe consequences for your business. A support team can help you come up with a plan to avoid losing your data in such occasions. They will also help ensure that your business is up and running as soon as possible.
Some of the disaster recovery solutions that they can provide are the following:
- Quick recovery and access to missing files and data
- Offsite storage to ensure that you have a backup in case disaster strikes in your office building
- Data backup and archiving
- 24/7 monitoring from a secure location
By hiring an additional support service or team for your business, you benefit from the expertise and experience of skilled professionals in the finance industry. Their services can easily be customized to meet your unique needs so that you can stay focused on growing your business.