Want to get started doing audio transcriptions? Take a look at these top tips on producing the best work in a way that’s efficient for you. Contact Rev today.
To many beginners, transcription may seem like a straightforward task, but there’s actually a lot more to it than meets the eye. These simple tips will make a world of difference when starting out, and they’re really easy to implement as well. If you’re prepared for the process before you start, your services will be of a much higher quality much earlier than if you’d gone in blind.

Don’t skimp on software
It might be tempting to use the word processor that’s already built into your computer for your audio transcription services, but you’ll be much more effective when using professional software. There is a wide range of options out there, some of which are free, so you needn’t worry about having too high a cost, especially when starting out.
However, if you’re determined to take your transcription seriously, it’s worth shelling out a bit more for a quality product. Software means your audio file will be easily accessible while you’re typing, which means you can pause and playback sections as and when you need to. You’ll also be able to slow down audio so you can type quickly without interruption.
Equipment is important too
Investing in a quality pair of headphones or speakers is key when transcribing audio. If you can hear the words clearly, it will be much easier to transcribe them accurately. Many transcribers also use a foot pedal, which is compatible with most professional software.
This allows you to control playing or pausing the audio with your foot rather than the mouse, meaning your hands can always be occupied with typing, again making transcription a much more efficient task.
Attention to detail
Each client will have slightly different requirements when it comes to their audio transcription needs, so it’s important that you pay close attention to these instructions before you begin.
Format the document as they request and make sure that you carry out any extra research that is needed if you don’t understand certain topics and terms. It’s important you check the spellings of words you haven’t come across before to ensure complete accuracy.
Section it up
This is especially relevant to beginners, as it can be daunting to listen to the whole audio clip and transcribe it in one go. However, experienced transcribers will section up complex audio files to ensure their accuracy. Splitting an audio file into segments will help you to check that you’ve got all the correct words down with accurate spellings.
When transcribing a file all at once, it’s easy to miss little words or even add in your own synonyms that your brain has supplied for you. Although this won’t change the meaning of the piece, it’s crucial that you’re only transcribing exactly what has been said.
Listen before you begin
If the file is very long, you probably won’t want to be listening to it all the way through before beginning work. However, you do need to check that the audio is clear enough to understand and that the file isn’t corrupted in any way.
With shorter files, you can give them a complete listen before beginning work, but with longer ones, try to select various sections so that you have more confidence in the audio’s quality. Any problems with the file should be reported back to the client so that they can resolve them or advise you on further action.
Be comfortable
This is the case for any job that involves being seated for long periods of time, so it’s no different when producing transcripts. Whether this means investing in a quality chair, standing desk, or ergonomic keyboard, it’s important to look after your health.
Make sure you schedule regular breaks into your working day too. These don’t need to be extensive, but it’s always worth taking a few moments to look away from the screen and stretch your legs.
Transcription can be a rewarding job. Whether done full time or on the side, it offers you the incredible flexibility to work from home and manage your own time. These tips should hopefully help you to deliver the best service to all your clients while making sure you’re using your own time efficiently. Get in touch with us at Rev to learn more about getting started.