Ask an entrepreneur or a novice business owner if he/she has engaged in prior planning and strategizing, and the answer will be in the affirmative. You cannot refute this answer, because this individual will be able to present a...
If you are looking toward starting your own law practice, one of the first things you’ll need to consider is how law firms are structured. It’s a decision you need to make as you’re putting your own firm together so you’ll be...
Being involved in an auto accident in Colorado Springs is stressful. Aside from taking care of your injuries and the damages to your vehicle, you also have to think about the other party involved and the expenses you’ll have...
Buying right for your business is always a top priority and even more so if you are talking about big-ticket items, which can often be the case when you are looking to acquire tools and equipment to help your...
Applications, both mobile and web-based, are growing increasingly popular. Many individuals and companies alike use them for a wide range of things. In fact, there are hundreds of billions of apps downloaded every year, and that's not even counting...
Expectations from real estate have risen over the past decade, causing those leading the industry to forge a new path in development. Apartment living is surpassing homeownership, and individuals are expecting more than an outdated studio. Now, high rise apartments like...
The fashion industry is expected to generate revenue of $110,605m in the US in 2019, but it's one of the hardest sectors to succeed in due to the sizeable competition and the diversity of the products available. Therefore, it’s...
You must know by now that the environment is in danger. It is pretty old news by now, right? But environmental problems can hardly be called “old news”. We have been aware of them for a long time, yes....
Interviewing potential candidates can be just as nerve-wracking for the interviewer as it is for the interviewee! Asking the right questions elicits the information you need to find the right person for the job. Attic Recruitment walks us through...