Safety Marking, a Bridgeport-based pavement marking company, is taking a technological leap by advancing from cable to dedicated fiber at their headquarters in Bridgeport, Ct. in all of their buildings. The company is adopting this infrastructure to increase reliability.
Safety Marking, Bridgeport’s pacesetting leader in the pavement marking industry, upgrades its business with new technological advancements in its office headquarters located in southern Connecticut. Safety Marking Inc. started its journey in Fairfield County, Connecticut, after Mark Kelly, Safety Marking’s President, founded the company in 1973 to provide local pavement services. Working from the ground up, Safety Marking is now a nationally respected leader in pavement markings with offices in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York.
Safety Marking Inc. continues to grow in all areas of the company, including advancements in technology. The pavement marking company replaced the cable in its buildings with dedicated fiber, meaning all Safety Marking’s Bridgeport properties will have access to optical fiber facilities. Active optical fiber is the most widely used access technology in the United States for the delivery of Carrier Ethernet services. Fiber access opens the door to higher speeds when connecting to the Internet, Data Centers, Cloud services, emerging SDN-enabled services, and Hybrid VPNs. The decrease in wait time and proactive operations are why service providers and business customers favor fiber access.
The gap between businesses with cable and organizations with fiber in the United States continues to taper back as more commercial buildings switch to fiber. In 2016, the number of commercial buildings with fiber escalated to 49.6%. This increase resulted in the U.S. Fiber Gap, which refers to the buildings that still exist without access to optical fiber facilities, gradually declining to 50.4% in 2016. The drop in the U.S. Fiber Gap is drastic compared to its higher-numbered days of 90% in 2004.
Over the recent years, fiber footprints are now considered a significantly valued asset in almost all merger transactions in the industry. A business with fiber lit buildings has an advantage with on net and geographic reach compared to a company that has not yet made the transition to dedicated fiber. Network providers predict that the future of fiber footprint expansion will be a top contributor to piloting Carrier Ethernet growth as well as meeting customers’ demands for speedier services.

About Safety Marking Inc.
Safety Marking Inc. of Bridgeport is the pacesetting leader in the pavement marking industry. Mark Kelly started the company in 1973 as a small, family-owned striping business serving Fairfield County, Connecticut. With constant development came broader, more significant contracts and expansion. The company now offers eight major types of services with offices in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York.