Modern offices no longer follow the structure and designs of traditional business spaces. The most famous office perhaps is that of Google, which is more like a playhouse. With the evolution of offices, manufacturers are also trying to come up with modern office furniture to fill the demand.
Now, you will easily find a wide array of designs to equip your corporate space and workstations.
Shared workstations continue to gain popularity
According to data, about 5,000 coworking areas are available in the United States. The figure makes up about a quarter of the total global space. These coworking spaces serve more than three million employees. By the end of 2019, it is estimated that around 700 more spaces would have been created.
By 2022, analysts believe that more than six million workers would be going to offices with coworking spaces.
These shared coworking spaces create opportunities for manufacturers to come up with new modern office furniture ideas.
Green Offices
As more people become aware of their roles in climate change, they will also insist on green solutions to curb the negative impact of human activity.
Corporations also feel a sense of responsibility to be more conscious about eco-friendly solutions. Now, you see more botanical spaces and plants inside the offices. More than the aesthetics, it has been proven that plants create positive energy inside any room. Various studies have confirmed that indoor plants can relieve stress and improve the mental health of the occupants.
Also, the green color seems to evoke a feeling of calmness because of its strong association with nature.
But there are benchmark studies that point to the benefits of going green. For instance, a 2012 study by UCLA revealed that green companies are 16 percent more productive compared to traditional organizations. So, it is not mere lip service as experience and studies prove that it pays to be green.
Veering Away from Traditional Spaces
As already mentioned, companies like Google and Apple pave the way for organizations to change their mindset about the office. Now, nobody would be surprised anymore if they find a bean bag in the middle of the room when they visit an office for the first time.
More and more companies are using modern office furniture, such as lounge chairs, collaborative furniture, multi-function desks, acoustic sofas, breakroom tables, and others. Casual work environments help boost productivity as they help enhance creativity, while also reducing turnover rate.
Workers are encouraged to report for work because they feel their employer values their output more than what they wear. Of course, you do not take out the desk entirely, but you must provide an option for the employee to walk away from his workstation and take a break. It is the best way to reduce stress in the workplace.
Lastly, organizations are acknowledging that employees are no longer tethered to their desks. Millennials now can do their best work on their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. For instance, phone booths or acoustic furniture solutions will give your workers the needed privacy as they go about their tasks.
They can leave their desks and sit at these phone booths, which are designed to reduce ambient noise, to resume their work.