Goat Farming a Profitable Business in India
Goat farming business in India would be a great choice if it is done in the precise and planned way. There are many people out there who want to be an entrepreneur in this field and they want to start profitable business in goat farming but due to lack of knowledge, experience and business plan they could not make the better outcome as it could be if it is done in the systematic way.
I receive lots of emails from Indians living abroad on how to setup a goat farm back home here in India. This is the reason I have updated this blog post with latest information. I have written almost 10 articles about various types of goat breeds for commercial goat farming, you can read all articles here.
Below is very valuable information on how to start goat farming, you should read and follow each and every steps.
I too own a goat farm in Jharkhand raising different breeds so I thought to write this post to help those who eagerly wants to start this business. There are several steps and measure to start a successful goat farm i would be covering every aspect so that anyone who is a newbie or beginners can have a step by step idea to start this profitable business in every state of India such as UP, MP, Jharkhand, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, etc.
Also Read : – How To Get Loan For Goat Farming
7 Steps that need to be taken before starting a goat farm.
1. Selection of land where you are willing to start a goat farm
Selection of land to start goat farming is the very first step you are going to take. There is no any hard and fast rule to stick with the land selection whatever the land you have is good to go or it would be better if you have surplus land at the city out skirt with the greenery and grazing area.
In my case I have only 32 decimile of land with enormous grazing field out of which i am using 21 decimile for shed and fenced area and remaining for the servant quarters as you must provide the rooms for the care-taker who are going to stay there 24×7.
Do the proper fencing of the land with the boundary wall or bamboo fencing but i would suggest for the brick and cemented boundary provide more security to the place or it could be your choice mainly it depends on the surrounding and the security concern of the farm.now you have a good fence i.e the boundary wall with the proper entrance. Now it is the time for goat shed construction.
2. Goat shed construction plan
A proper cleaned, hygienic and spacious shed is required for the better growth of your goats. Depending upon your land area,expenditure and farm strength the shed area may vary. As in my case i have a shed for 100 goats for which i have used 60×18 feet(i.e 60 feet of length and 18 feet is width. )
The dimension of the shed depends on your choice whether it could be less or more as i mentioned but i would suggest to give a try with the smaller strength i.e shed for 100 goats.
In general it is being suggested that for one goat there must be 10sq ft. Area is needed but this can be less or more mainly it depends on the breed and age of goat whether it is adult or kid.
I assume you have selected your dimension of the shed now its time to build the shed. Use bricks and cement for the shed wall. 12 feet of height must be maintain and a proper ventilation is needed. For the roof area use better quality of asbestos which is good heat absorbent in summer.
Create one water reservoir or cemented tank to provide fresh drinking water supply to goats every time. it should be outside of the shed area. Build a bamboo fence out side the shed for proper movement of the goats.
Proper cemented or steel stall is required for the goat feeding it must be inside or outside the shed.
So as to summarize:
Shed construction plan for 100 goats:
- Shed dimension in my case it is 60×18 feet.
- Wall height is 12 feet.
- Bamboo fence outside the shed.
- Material used for shed is brick,cement and asbestos.
- Cemented tank for the fresh drinking water for goats (Outside the shed inside the bamboo fence)
- Bore well equipped with motor or submersible pump for the fresh drinking water for the goats.
- Feeder stall may be cemented or steel menzer for feeding. Have long cemented feeding stall inside the shed and steel menzer or feeder for outside feeding.
3. Selection of Goats Breed
Goats breed selection is very important aspect in the goat farm as this is the main asset of your business which is going to give your business a boom and a good uplift. Selection of breed is very important point in profitable goat farming business plan.
There are different breeds out there which is considered as profitable breed selection basically it depends on the region and climate there are many breeds available but i am covering some of them which is considered profitable for north india region. They are categorized in two part.
Pure Breed Selection.
- Sirohi
- Jamnapari
- Tota Pari
- Barbari
- Beetel
- Black Bengal
Cross Breed Selection.
- Cross breed of sirohi and black bengal (sirohi buck and black bengal doe)
- Cross breed of jamnapari and sirohi (jamnapari buck and sirohi doe)
- Cross breed of black bengal and beetel. (beetel buck and black bengal doe)
There may be a number of cross breed selection depends upon the breed of Buck and Doe.The rule of thumb in breed selection is the environmental and climatic condition where the breed is best suited for. For example:
4. Learn cross breed concept in goats
Sirohi the goat breed of sirohi district of rajasthan is well suited with the Rajasthan hot and dry climatic condition. If you want to raise pure sirohi breed in different region of india apart from the rajasthan the mortality rate increases because of the climatic condition with which they are not adapted to.
But what if we want Sirohi breed in our farm. As in my case i have Sirohi breed too, here comes the Cross Breed Concept.
All you need a cross breed Sirohi i.e take a female mother goat(doe) of your area. For example in Jharkhand climates are very hot in summer and chilled in winter the Black Bengal breed is well adapted with Jharkhand climate.
So take black bengal doe and sirohi Buck the first cross of the product would be 70% sirohi or 30% black bengal (Note:the percentage genetical behaviour may vary depends on the mating breed.) Now this breed would be well adapted with the jharkhand climate.same apply with the other breeds too.
In my farm i am having cross breed of sirohi and black bengal, cross breed of sirohi and beetel.which is very profitable.
Here i will be covering in details about every breed.for detailed information on different breed of goat click on the respective link.
Check out below links for more information on goat breed
5. Learn about vaccination schedule
Proper Scheduled Vaccination is very important to overcome the mortality rate in goats. Here i will be covering every vaccine shedule which is i am following in my farm.
After goat purchase and before entering into the goat farm deworming is compulsary and following vaccine must be scheduled.
The Common vaccine schedule prescribed by doctors are:
- FMD(Foot and Mouth disease) vaccine name is polyvalent FMD vaccine given once in a year dosage is 3ml. S/C given in february & December.
- Anthrax vaccine name is anthrax spore vaccine given once in a year dosage is 1 ml.S/C in the month of May -june
- ET(Enterotoxemia) vaccine name is ET Vaccine once in a year dosage is 5 ml.S/C in the month of May – june
- CCPP(Contagious Caprine Pleuro Pneumonia) or IVRI Vaccine dosage is 0.2 ml S/C once in a year.
- PPR(Peste Des Pettis Ruminants) or PPR Vaccine with a dosage of 1ml S/C given once in a 3 Year.

6. Fodder planning for Goats
Goat fodder plan is very important aspect of the goat farming a proper fodder plan and cost management of fodder is required to make good profit in this goat farming business. Here in this section i will discuss how to make an effective fodder to boost your goats growth in lesser time also i will discuss the different feeding style like complete stall fed system and partial stall fed system.
In addition with the dry fodder green fodder is very important to provide essential nutrients to the goats. Grazing of goats is very important for this you must have a surplus grazing area with greenery so as for proper movement of the goats which helps in their digestion and enhance metabolism.
Generally in my goat farm i prefer partial stall fed system that is goats are given dry fodder or booster in the stall fed condition and freed for grazing from morning 11 to 3 noon. Then they enter the farm and again stall fed.
How to make goat dry fodder ? The composition and Preparation Technique. To make fodder of 100 kg following are the ratio of composition (Note: I am using local regional language to describe the ingredients so as to benefit the regional readers.)
- Chokar – 45 kg
- Makai Darra – 25 kg
- Badam Khalli – 15 kg
- Korai (Chana chilka) – 12 kg
- Mineral Mixture – 2 kg
- Salt – 1 kg
These are the ratio which i am using and getting the positive result also the growth of the goats in farm is very high in almost 8 month kids become adult and acquire the maximum weight. This is the 100 kg ratio and may be used in any amount of fodder preparation.
This fodder must be mixed with kutti in half ratio and given. For example if kutti is 1 kg then mix this ½ kg fodder. Under the partial stall fed condition hence the almost all nutrients supplied by grazing this concentrate with kutti given twice a day i.e morning and evening 1 ½ kg twice for one goat means 3 kg every day (2 kg kutti and 1 kg concentrate).
Apart from this concentrate green fodder is also very important provide the goats with green fodder every day or leave them for grazing. There are many things to discuss and need to be cover hence i will write every topic in different post this was the only general idea you must stick with to start a goat farm.
7. Minimise risk factors
You have to plan everything properly and one important factor for profit in goat farming is to minimise the risks involved in this business. I have written a separate article on how to minimise the risks in goat farming here. You must read this article before starting goat farming business.
I want to set up a goat farm in dhanbad, jharkhand asap. I m beginner in this field so, i need a good consultant/farm to help me to start up the same with proper guidance.
Also, need the estimate to set up 100 nos having 1 acre land in rupees.
I appreciate your keen interest in setting up a goat farm. expert-market would be your best farm consultant who will further guide you in your every steps. it is good to know that you have surplus 1 acre of land which is all enough to start with the 100 goats however i would suggest you to start with the 50 doe(mother goats) which would act as the breeding unit and 50 male kid (6 month old) which would be sold after 6-7 months to maintain farm expenditure at the beginning.
First set up your mind and become a goat lover that you are gonna run your own goat farm then go ahead with the shed construction plan with proper security concern and fencing you would be provided with the cost estimation of the farm with 100 units in a email from our support team. later our team would contact you to provide you with every necessary steps and guidance.
Hi sir
I am planing to start a goat farm for meat purpose in dist. Bijnor UP .I have enough Farming land around 10 acers, apart from this a shed 60×17 feet with 1/2 Acer of grazing land just outside the village.I think this location is perfect for goat Farming on stall feed system.
This is really a good idea to start with 50 doe and 50 male kid to maintain the farm expenditure at the beginning.I will do the same
Thanks for this brilliant idea
Want to start a goat farm. And I want to know about is full stall feeding system is profitable or not.. And what is feeding cost of per goat per day..?
means I want to know about loss and profit calculations of goat farming with stall feeding system… Location is west Rajasthan..
Goat farming in India is very profitable and one can make good profit in this business because of high availability of grazing area. If you are looking to start this business then select a location which is nearer to target city. Start constructing shed and raise 50 goats at startup. Save money in feeding by using grazing land.
Goat farming in india has very huge potential, you can easily make 20lakh a year if you know how to market your product and find a buyer for your product. Hotels, hospitals, party, wedding, etc will be your target market. Stop thinking and take action!!!
I need more clarification on it.
Hi Niraj,
Please let me know your queries regarding goat farming in India. Also, please mention your state and city where you want to start your goat farm. You can contact me directly at info@expert-market.com
I want to start a goat farm in jharkhand (Palamu, Latehar district), need consultancy and support at planning and execution level.
Hi Sanjay,
I appreciate your keen interest in setting up a goat farm in Jharkhand, please follow the instructions given above to get started. Let me know you budget for setting up farm and provide some info on availability of land in your area.
We can also help you in getting subsidy for goat farming from nabard in Jharkhand.
I am planning to start a Large Scale (4000- 5000 goats) Goat farming in West Bengal. How much land (grazing land and shade) is required for 5000 goats for meat purposes? What is the risk of this business? I do not need Bank Loan hence How much capital I need intially if I start with 100 goats?
I also need same suggestions as minhajuddin.
Dear Sir,
We are yet to start our organized goat farm at Bokaro, Jharkhand. We have got training from Mr. Deepak Patidar, Indore and got very much information from there and studies on net. As per Mr. Deepak Patidar we should go mainline like Sirohi, Sojat. We are planning for this.
We are also planning for cross breeding of Female of Black Bengal goats but for better result we are unable to choose male side.
Some were suggesting BB (F) with Sirohi and some are suggesting BB(F) with Beetel or Barbari.
We will oblige if you give some information and suggestion regarding this.
With regards
Manoj Kumar
Hi Manoj,
I appreciate your good effort. its good to know that you are going to start an organized goat farm and also you have done an expert training on this.
for cross breeding, what i would suggest you to go with the fine breed of Black Bengal(doe) with the Sirohi Buck or BB(Doe) with Beetal(Buck).i wouldn’t suggest you BB with Barbari. go ahead with these cross breeding you would get a better result. also let me know your farm progress and discuss your important farm aspects which will help our reader who wants to start a goat farm.
Support @ Expert-market.com
Is it necessary to puchase beetal buck for breeding or is artificial insemination available in jharkhand
Its not necessary to purchase the beetal buck if good quality beetal semen is available. for artificial insemination(AI) you have to contact with BIRVA/BAIF or agriculture university. you can also contact the private veterinary doctors for AI.
Hello Sir,
Myself Lingaraj from Karnataka Bangalore…..I was reading this replies very interesting ones…..I am a basically a Graphic Designer and I am doing my own from last 5 years…… I was looking for an additional business where it can fetch me good money…I found this interesting and I live in Bangalore I have a 4 acre of Land near Shivamoga 350Kms from Bangalore…… and I have and site measuring 30 x 45 ft out side Bangalore near International Airport…. now my question is what would be the initial investment that is required to start…. I don’t want to go for bank loan….and where can I get these breeds and what are the vaccinations….and where I sell them is there any particular market for them or we need to market it….I need a complete detail about it. Can you please help me with this.
I have few pureline sirohi within karnataka and can sell a few from my flock.
These are vaccined up to date and are healthy
My email: syedchm@gmail.com
hi lingraj m,
if you are still interested to setting goat farming in Karnataka please contact +919560967533
Sir i have ready built shed approx 10 ft. Wdth.and 25 ft lngth.at dist. Godda jharkhand i want a small unit of goat 6 month old kid ie 10 female +1male please suggest me from where i can buy it and how much apprx costing.
Hi Anand,
appreciate your good effort. we also provide the good quality vaccinated goat breed the plus point is that they are well adapted with the jharkhand’s climate which is very important factor in raising goats specially of different breed. Currently we are having (Sirohi,Jamnapari,Barbari Black Bengal and different cross breed of them.)
For price contact us via email info@expert-market.com
How can i get Loan from nabard
hi Anand,
Greetings from expert market. For complete loan procedure from NABARD drop your mail at info@expert-market.com our team would let you know the details.
I am interested in setting up a goat farm in chakradharpur jharkhand near jamshedpur.
I would like to know if black Bengal x beetal is a good option or pure black Bengal. I will mainly stall feed and want to start with 50 pregnant females.
Also need to know where I can purchase good quality BB goats and the cost per animal.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Warm Regards
Andre leavers
Hi Andre,
its good to hear from you again,though the Black bengal’s demand is huge in the local market here specially in bihar and jharkhand people mentality is like they want desi breed they consider their meat is good in taste hence raising pure breed of BB would be profitable but their growth is slower as compare to other breed. and you said you wanna go with the stall feed system only there growth rate would be slower bcoz Black bengal needs more grazing area for their normal growth rate. so your first choice is good that is Black bengal x Beetal go for it.also i would suggest you to have some BB too so as to test with the stall feed system specially their growth rate.
For Good quality Black Bengal you can go to Balrampur cattle fair(once in a week) its in west bengal near purulia dist.
Or you can also contact us(through email) for various goat breed including BB. for price and more info you can contact us via email.( info@expert-market.com)
Hi Pradeep
Greetings from expert-market.com good to know that you want to set up a huge goat farm in 15 acre of land area this would be really a big big goat farm in jharkhand. could you please elaborate a bit like where is this land located in ranchi, what is your budget,farm strength you are planning for area and type of shed construction etc.
Dear sir i want to start a goat farm in rajasthan. I have 100 acre of land but i wanna use 2 acre of land for goat farm 1 acre for farm and 1 acre for grow there feed can you suggest me any farm for practical training in rajasthan or haryana
Thank you
Very good planning Manish, as the profit rule of thumb in goat farming is to save your feeding cost i think in 1 acre of land is sufficient for fodder cultivating and it is really a good idea. you can have list of crop sown in particular month so that you can grow surplus crop for your farm
Dear sir
I want to start goat farm in rajesthan in 2 acre. Can you suggest me any farm for practical training in rajasthan and haryana nearby panipat (132103) and anywhere in rajesthan
Thank you
HI manish,
There are many goat farm in rajasthan to visit for your practical training as how the things goes on for example you can visit Qureshi farm. Qureshi Farm, Sardarpura Road,
Off National HWY 11 Fatehpur,
Dist. Sikar, Rajasthan PIN 332301
Also you can visit Khatkar goat farm in haryana
First of all congratulations on your successful goat farming.
I am from Nashik, Maharashtra and very keen in starting goat farming. But I dont have any prior experience in it. Currently I am working with IT company in Pune. I am planning quit job and start goat farm in Nashik.
I have 3 acres of farm land currently under cultivation. So I need your advice as to how I should start i.e. from developing land for constructing shed, compound wall. I wan to start goat farm with 100 goats. So what will be the best breeds for Nashik.
Also please tell how I can maintain security of goats against theft as my home is 25 km away from my farm. Your suggestions will really help a lot. Thank you in advance.
Hi Sagar,
Greetings from expert market. we value your passion to become an entrepreneur in this field. it really sounds good that you are so eager in this profession that you are ready to quit your job for real cause, i appreciate it. all you have to do is to take action.
Trust me you have excess land to start a goat farm. its simple to start with 1 acre for goat farm and 1 acre for cultivating crop for goats fodder to minimize there feeding cost.
make your mind that you are going to do this.
do the proper fencing of land.
go for shed construction.
do proper fencing for cultivated land to grow there fodder.
you must build your servant quarter to take care of the goats in your absence as your home is 25 km away.
Thank you very much support team for replying to my queries. Really appreciate that.
Can you please provide information on below my questions ?
I want to start goat farm with 100 goats. But I don’t have any experience about it. What will be the best breeds suitable for Nashik’s climate. After starting goat farm with such numbers, how soon I can expect income start flowing. I have also sent email to your mentioned mail id. Request you to provide your valuable inputs. Thank you in advance.
I have exactly same scenario like Mr. Sagar. Just a difference is I have already quit pune job and get the one in Nashik for time being. With reference to your previous replies on Mr. Sagar’s queries, may I have the informaiton on below?
1. What would be the budget required for 100 goats.
2. Which would be the suggested breed or cross breed for Nashik climate.
3. Where can the suggested breed get.
Thanks in anticipation,
Though i am commenting on too old post.
Could you please let me know if you have already started in nasik.
I am also from nasik and need some guidance. Please let me know.
Thanks and Regards
Sumit patil
Thanks for your time and such initiative to show a better way of employment.
I m planning to open up a goat farm.will you plz consult me as I having short knowledge in it.
Hi, I am kalyan Bhakat from Jharkhand, living 30 km fare an village near jamshedpur I was working an international Organization Humana People to People India . I had in Social Sector thats why after 2008 i was living out of home but now because of my parents i left job and giving time to my parents because my father is sick( mental problem) and my mother had alone in home. now i am thinking to start Goat farming as well as support to my parents ….. so i want to know that if i will start then where i will sale lot of goats at a time .. have any company those are buy goat .because i am planning to start with 200 goat….for this i am Collecting information /knowledge regard goat farming. Such as breed, shed, vaccination etc . … hope you will suggest right way…..thanks
Hi Kalyan,
Thanks for your interest in this field. what i would suggest you to start with 40 black bengal. dont go for 200 strength at the beginning otherwise it would be difficult to capture the market.
you have to build your own market. you have to catch the clients need to take approach in hospital,hotels , wedding party and also try to contact other goat farm owners and give them offers and plans these are the way by which you can sell your product.
I would like to know what is the minimum land requirements for starting up a goat farming with 100 heads. What about sheep. Can we keep sheep along with goat in the same farm. Also let me know what is the minimum requirement of funds to startup the goat farming business with the above criteria.
i want to start up goat farm in rajgurunagar 25 kms from pune. I have 15 guntha land there which has borewell in the farm.I want to know with which breed i should do the breeding .What food would be requires for goat breeding and what would be the market for the goat.Are there any companies who buy our goats .
i am trinadh, interested to start a goat farm in odisha. so please tell me from where to buy the sirohi breed. and please tell me the return values of 100 goats of sirohi breed if its possible please tell me about the cost of production.
Hi friends
My name is riyaz ahmed
Main ek goat farming karna chahta hun.. kya ap log meri madad karsakte ho.. main karnataka se hun.. bidar district mujhko please help kariye aur guide kariye..
Hi Riyaz, this is Asif here. Even I am from bidar district and had been doing some research on these things for some time now. Its really an interesting business if you do it the right way. Selection of breed, proper fodder cultivation in case of stall feeding and proper Marketing are the keen areas to focus on. Even I am planning to set up a goat farm soon, will let you know more once I implement these techniques.
I have few pureline sirohi stock for breeding. they are vaccined and dewormed and more over my farm is located in north karnataka. Pls contact me in case you need any assistance
My email id: syedchm@gmail.com
Hi admin.my name is ankit chawla i am from uttrakhand .i have iacre of land .i am very keen in setting up a goat farm.what is the no.of goats i can start and how many no.i can extend to in future.there is no grazing are except one acre as near by area is all grazing land .what profit can i expect per annum after i buy the fodder from the market.will 1 acre be enough for the project.
Hello Sagar (Nashik), Have you started the your business of Goat farming .if yes pls share your number mee too interested to start in
HI Vishal, I have not yet started yet as I am in Bangkok now for my company project work. But I will be taking steps once I reach India.
Have you started goat farm ? Where are you from in Nashik. Can you share you email. My email is sagarswagh@gmail.com
Sir. What would be the average profitabilty of a 100 goat farm for year. In optimum conditions
Hi My name is Prakash patel. i am from Bharuch, Gujarat. I want to start Goat fram. Please advice, how i buy goat? and etc.
hi sir ,
im from north Karnataka I have 50 acres of land , I can utilize 10 acres for goat farming but the thing I need loan for goat farming …I want your contact number I have queries like how to get loan , what breed is suitable at my area , which vaccinations are preferred ,,, pls share your contact number
thank you
I have started my goat farm with 50 jamunapai goat.at Seoni destrict at madhyapradesh.
But I depend on local market for sale. Can any give me detail contact of large scale byer.
I have already create a shed 120*20 sqft. for goat farming but I am not sure which breed is perfect or sweetable for meat and wheather in West Bengal and from where I buy them at best price? I request to support team of ExpertMarket please answer me as soon as possible.
I want started a small goat farming, but which type goat to starting our area, Bankura, West Bengol
I would like to start a small goat farm in Kerala , could you please help me with all the details. Like how to construct a shed, which types of breed is best suitable, and also with a project report. Your valuable response is appreciated
You should contact me
Sir mera naam Ajay nehra h,haryana se,goat farm ke liye kon si breed lekar aani chaiye,space 100 goat ka h,per m start 40 se karna chahta hu,breed selection ke baare me btaye
Hello sir,
I m kamran munshi from Nashik I have 3 acres of land here and I m very much interested in starting a goat farm I have read all the information provided by u above just if I can request u to through some light on wat breeds to be farmed ?? Is a vet mandatory 24/7 ??? Wat books to read and how to get training on the same???
Pls if u could help with this my email id is kamranmunshi_88@yahoo.co.in
Dear Sir
I am an employee working in a private company since last 3 years. From the very beginning I am having keen interest in agriculture. From last few months I set up my mind to owe a goat farm of my own. For which I have to quit my job. My monthly income is approx 20k. My query is , what is the initial risk in this project and what is proportion of failure and success in this project. So quiting job and starting a farm is how far justifiable. Kindly suggest.
Devidutta Rath
i want to setup this in west bengal . please say me profit i can earn with it,, and after how many days i can generate income with it,
Dear sir..
I am Agri student from Karnataka , I want to start goat rearing plss suggest me for d better method of rearing nd breeds nd marketing.. I want Advance method sir..
Hi Kiran,
Could you please drop me your contact details, need to talk regarding this.
BR- Chidanad
hai chidanand ,,, hope your from karnataka , ia m also from karnataka bangalore and also intrested in goat farming if you have started your goat farm please cantact me i need some idea on goat forming
you can contact me through e main vgminchu62@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
My name is Niranjan i am planning to start farming in Mangalore,Karnatak D.K
I really very exited of your comment pls guide me how to start and how to manage the yearly cycle.
please suggest me I need more clarification for below mentioned details
1) Plan for Table Shed- 100nos Goats (Starting from 50nos)
2) Which Breed is good and growing fast and good demand in market (healthy meat)
3) Where I have to buy the goats and how to buy means small or big one first and supplier need for continually as per the requirement
Which fodder is need to provide for fast growing
Please tell me the total investment is required first and for a year.
contact me in My Email.Id:niranjan.devi@hotmail.com
hai am ananth,i wanna start this goat farm in hosur(tamilnadu) and i need more clarification to execute,it would be better if i get live explaination in my farm land
Dear Sir, I am from Purnea, Bihar and would like to start Goat farm in my 10 acre land near to the township. Could you please suggest me, if i opt for broiler techniques in goat rearing. Will it be profitable? Just gone through ICAR videos of Trichuraplly..They said ….growth is 20-30% better….in context to our climate, which breed will give me profit? Plz suggest.
Thanks in advance.
Dear Sir,
I would like to start new goat farm in Maharashtra Taluka-Rajapur, Dist.-Ratnagiri. I need your help regarding starting process and thing to be consider while running a business. I need full details from your end. I am planning to start by 10 female goats & 2 male goats at the beginning.
I need information from you regarding best breeding at my location.
I hope you will share your knowledge and help me to start with good setup.
Dear sir,
i would like to start goat form in Maharastra Taluka Pawani ,dist. Bhandara . so i need your help how to provision start goat form .1 acor land available . i planed 10 female goats & three male goats the begining.
so please suggest me. how to loan fecilitys and other details.
thank you
Helo sir i whant start goat forming i need some tips
Comment:sir im from beed district( marathwada region in Maharashtra) I have 30 acres of land…I wanna start a goat farm in my village at my farm with 50 goats…is sojat breed is suitable in my region(Marathwada, Maharashtra)…sir pls do reply…..
Hello sir,
May name is Sagar I m from kolhapur. I want to start the goat farm, which type of goat it is comfortable for kolhapur climate. And I need what extra tonic and medicine for goat better of meat, also market conditions.
Dear Sir,
Myself Mohammad Wasim Rizvi,doing a job in a construction industries from last 5-6 Year,I live in Raipur Chhattisgarh.I have read you Post in Expert-market.com and i really like the way you have described all the details of goat farming. And I am very very much interested in goat farming not because of these business is profitable & I have the passion of taking care of animals like goats,buffalo,cows all such animals those are productive. So Sir in small sentence i would like to start my business of goat farming,but i am new comer in these field that is why i am hesitating becoz only of lack of information and knowledge. But after reading your post sir i think that i can also do the business with better management system hope so. And I will try my best by my hock and crock to achieve success on my path.
Sir,I have purchase a land of 2.5 acre which is 90 KM away from Raipur city in Chura Dist.Gariyaband chhattisgarh, such area is surrounded by many of jungles area (Small and big jungle area) Behind my land their is small jungle developed by forest department in about 50-60 acre they have grown the sagon trees.
so sir i am having many of Quarries. Plez i insist you sir to give me the better guideline to start my own business. Right now i am doing the Job,Becose I have made the planning and stratigy first to purchase a land and i have clear my first step & 2 to develop my land,unless and until my farm develop i have to do the job right now.
Plez tell me which breed is successful in Chhattisgarh,And which breed is more productive and profitable.
any Government training institute center, to gain more knowledge about goat farming
Comment:hello sir ..i want to start a goat farm …as u have mentioned above about 50 does n 50 male bucks (6mnths) to maintain the expenditure ….as hv 5 acres of land with proper water resource ..as m from amravati,maharshtra 150 km from nagpur …which breed would be profitable foe me??? and how much i will have to spend on the whole project foe the startup??
I want setup of 200 goat farm in losal sikar rajasthan. I have 4 hector (8 acre) well irrigated land.
Please provide detail about it.
Thank you sir I got a lot of basic information regarding goat farming from your post. Thanks once again
Dear Sir,
I have to start Goat farming and my budget is 4,00,000.
Is It possible to start goat farming in 4,00,000 budget.
Please reply ASAP.
Nitin Bansod
Where do you want to start the farm?
Hello sir i want to start a goat farming in deoghar Jharkhand but i have some problems because i don’t have the idea where i can purchase sirohi breed male to make cross breed with black Bengal so can u help me because i want a sirohi male and plz give me some ideas plz plz.
hello,i want to do intensive goat farmung(something like chikens) ,i want to know the time which goats will take to reach 50 kg of wieght .How many batch i can raise per year. Etc.
I want to start goat farming in Dhanbad, Jharkhand with Sirohi(Duck) and Black Bengal(Doe) crossbreed what will be the ratio of Duck and Doe for 100 goats and what will be the costing of purchase of goats only (lumpsum).
Hi . I own a dairy farm of 75 cow. I already developed lots of green fodder for them. I want to start a professional goat farm near my dairy. I want to know from where i can purchase goats as i m from Ranchi jharkhand. Can i get address of any professional farm near Ranchi. So that i can visit that farm.
i have intransted goat farming at sawai madhopur (rajasthan)
Hi sir
My name is sandeep shetty .im from udupi karnataka india
I have 1.25 accor plain land . Now im in gulf as a employe .
Iwant start in india goat form . Stay with permanently . I need some feed back from you . I read complete your magazine I very thank full to you sir . It isvery usefull article.for beginners . I have some question pls give your valuable suggestions .
1 . This land preffrabale how many goats
2 . This land suitable for goat forming
3 . Im the beginner how many goat need for initially.
4 . Before starting what is besic need I have to fulfil
5 . How many budget I have to need for starting
6 . Who is the byyer for sale
I hope you will get back to me verysoon im waiting for replay
I want to start black Bengal goat farming in medinipur, West bengal. As beginners I am searching for a short time practical training. Please help me.
Please give me some details of your plans. Where are you located? Do you have land? Budget etc. You can write to my private mail., are you interested raising goats for meat or for milk.
We specialize and are interested in goat farms for producing milk and manufacturing goat milk cheese products for the local market.
Many thanks
Ben Paz
I have 2 1/2 acre land.I want to make a black bengal goat farm 1000goat strength . how much land recure for fodder cultivation and shed in stall feeding system .
I want to start a got farm in punjab district bathinda
I want yo know that which breed is profitable and what would be the starting budget and all information about this
Hi expert team,
I m from north Karnataka and want to start goat farm. I have 2 acres of agriculture land. Kindly let me know if you can provide me consultancy for the same. If yes let me know how to contact you.
I am Shaji John i want to start a goat farm starting with 100 nos in Thirunelveli dist in Tamilnadu taking a bank loan for the implementation . how much time a kid will take to become a adult for sale as meat. how much will a kid cost ? what are the leaves reqd to grow inside the campus.
HI Admin,
Am Abhilash.I would like to set up an goat farm in kerala.
I need your support fully and i would like to know do you have some contact of the farm setup people whom i can consult.Currently i am working in dubai.
Please post your phone number.
Hello sir
I want to start this business but i donot know that in this business lisanes need or not please help me and i am from jharkhand dist. Dhanbad village. Het kandra post.motinager
Sir i have one question in my mind in the meat goat farming can we need lisans and i live in jharkhand dhanbad
Dear friend
Thank you very much for providing such a important information which is very useful for got farming …
I would like to know if I make investment of 5 lakes then what would be around the annual income. …
And in which month better to start the.same.
Thanks with Regards
hi sir,
i want to goat forming in my native ( tamil nadu – Ariyalur(dt)). i have small budget only, so please guide me
Hi sir,
My name is jitendra, i’m working in Hyderabad. and having land around 7 acres in Maharashtra.
planing to start goat farm there, could you please suggest me on this. like suitable breed and total expenditure for 100 goats.
waiting for your kind response.
Please send me goat form project by email sir
I am thinking to start a goat form in mirzapur up please send give me detail to procure first purchase of best breads a complete address and link
hi sir
my self dipak . i am from maharashtra(dhule/dhuliya) and i have half acre land . I want to start goat farming business on small scale. eg-20 female goats and 2 bucks. please guide me.
Hi sir . Just to know some more things before I start to find out more on this goat farming what is the loss we will have to be prapied for what are the sickness do the goat get and many more things to know can I help me pleas do contact me if u have time
Dear Sir,
I am Rajesh, from Pune, Maharashtra. I have a 1.5 acre land in Raigad district in Maharashtra.
before starting the goat farming i wanted to know about it vaccination, shed planning and feeding management.
can u please brief me for the same. I am planning to purchase 50+2 goat at start.
Sir i am from rajasthan but want to start goat farming in kerala. So plz support me its how to possible
very nice business for devloping person & I will work for this business Goat Farming
Actually I m cop at Mumbai bt I want something different like own big profit small capital.bt it’s respectfully.
I really want to make my own business like only goat form.p lz suggest me .I have green land , capital,
I want to buy 100 male female ,I want this business start at Nashik.p lz give me simple suggestion.
I have passed B.com means marketing knowledge also .
Overall I want something different in this business.
Hi Kunal,
Have you started your goat farm… my email id yaseenk80@gmail.com n mob no. 8796455450
helloexpert team,
i am parampreet singh from ludhiana punjab,i hv 1 acre of land with proper ventilation n water resources.i want to do intensive goat farming(something like chikens) ,i want to know the time which goats will take to reach 30 to 50kg of weight .How many batch i can raise per year… grazing is not possible, how many goats r possible to bring up in one acre…
I am srisail from karnataka Bijapur. I am planed to start goat forming. Vista nearest got forms take some knowledge but. I have my own 3 ekre land water available
Can you give me your idea please Presnyly
I am work multinational company six years confirm employe salerry 25000 in hand
What I do please tel me Sir
I am Debajyoti from Guwahati, Assam. I am planning to start a goat farm in Assam. Though I am new to this filed, I have been contemplating on the goat farm idea for a long time. Can you please guide me on how to proceed on the project, what will be the requirement, what breeds can be suitable for Assam?
I am Habibullah from Afghanistan, Thanks for your time and such initiative to show a better way of employment.
I am planning to start a goat farm in Jalalabad Nangarhar Province Afghanistan. Though I am new to this filed, I have been contemplating on the goat farm idea for a long time. Can you please guide me on how to proceed on the project, what will be the requirement, what breeds can be suitable for Jalalabad?
As Salam Walaikum Habibullah, Please contact me on yaseenk80@gmail.com
I had a dream to start the sheep farm for the meat purpose, in Andhra Pradesh. Could u pls advice from where i need to purchase the bead.
I am Avijit From West Bengal… I am Interested to that kind of farming from few years… I have only 6 Desimal land for farming.. Is it be possible to build the firm? please reply me sir
sr.i am madhya pradesh chhindwara se. jitendra raghuwansi goad farming start karna hai. lend-water hai
Dear Sir,
I want to start goat farm in UP. Can you give your mail id through which i can connect with you
God bless you admin for all your help to the people.
Actually i want to start a goat farm in Kerala or Tamil Nadu. Please notify me with some marketing aspects and possibilities.
I want to start farming in purnea ( bihar ) and making a shade of 2000 square feet in 4 block and the total area is 15000 square feet. Please suggest which breed is good in our climatic area for only n only meat purpose. N from where I ll get d same. I ve planned for 200no to start wid.
Hii This is Ameen
I want to start a goat farm in Andhra Pradesh
For 200 goats how many Acers is required?
For each goat how much money will be spent per day? So please give me the full information about feeding ?
Hi i am intersted in goat farmng management bt problem of financial i cant so if some one want to investing in ranchi as a goat farm sure i will give profit from my side (management side)
Call or whats me 9958126725
Hi i am arbind from khunti jharkhand
I want to start a goat farm with 100 goats. I m beginer in this field so need consultant to set up farm.
So please guide me for this.
Arvind if you want a partner in your business then call me i am interested in it….call or whatsup me 9958126725
Sir.i mpursuing msc ag in soil science.my village is 40 km away from Meerut in west up.sir if I start goat farming will it be profitable for me
I am from maharashtra ahmednagar , my shed size 120*75 is done. I am searching for goat please kindly help me for buying goat
Sir i am amarjit singh from punjab i start newly goat farm for dairy to produce goat milk dear sir can i use goats for dairy is this profitable or not and what dairy breed will use in punjab climate .
Hello sir I want to start goat farming business in maharashtra raigadh district so which goat would be better for this area and where I will get usmanabadi goat of 50 nos
Hi ,
Is crossbreeding good for better meat quality for example Boer buck with osmana badi doe , what will be the result coz iam thinking of starting goat farm
Haii sir muze ghot faram. Talneka hai plz plz help mi
IS 1 acre of land enough for fodder production for 100 goats?? Its just about half of hectare and i am confused with that point. Is it profitable to feed goat hydro phonic fodder??? Actually I am from Nepal and working as engineer in INGO. But i am interested and almost ready to start goat farm. Where do i find the link regarding the financial calculation for 100 goats ???? Is there any link???
Thanks & Cheers
Er. Anil Pant
fantastic info kip it up and thanks for help
Hi ,
I am planning to start a goat farm in my village near to Tiruvannamalai town in Tamilnadu state, I have around 12 acres of land with water facility. Already I have 15 goats in my farm, but now I am planning to construct a shed for around 50 goats, and the goat breeds are telliserry and some cross breeds. Kindly suggest me the construction farm length & breadth and height details and which directions are suitable for constructing the shed. And also provide me the construction cost for the same.
Thanks in Advance
Looking for investors in Goat farming i have 12 acre land. very good return and doing this from 2 years but only grazing goat farming but now want setup a fully hygienic under shed goat farming and have a heavy market knowledge.
vivek kumar
i am from Mathura (u.p)
I am planning to start goat farming. How much investment is required for breeding 100 goats. I am from odisha and what type of goat I should prefer in my business. Furthermore I would like to know how much profit I can earn from 100 goats after deducting all my expenses. Please help me out regarding this matter. Thank you
What is the Average cost of goats….20-25kg…..male and female….cost??
I am planning to have goat farm in our agricultural land.
Land area is 2500 sqft.
Let me know the details to start, how many goats to start.
Sir i have ready built shed approx 10 ft. Wdth.and 25 ft lngth.at Pune District Maharashtra. i want a small unit of goat 6 month old kid ie 10 female +1male please suggest me from where i can buy it and how much apprx costing.
good afternoon to support team.
this is aamir from deoria uttar pradesh. i wanted to start the goat farming business.
kindly advise me on below points….
1.need of capital for statr in medium size.
2 . from where i can puchase the female goat and male also.
3. loan facility.
5. running cost and profit
Am Ashfaq Peerzade from Belgaum Karnataka, am looking for Investors for my Goat farm project for 50 goat’s, if any one is Interested, Call me or WhatsApp @ 9886666756.
I would like to visit you farm and get training i am planning to start my Farm in Karnataka,
So before i start i would like to get training under you and then start, i have 4 ache of land and with good water facility near to bangalore, Please let me know how to contact you.
Hi Sir,
I am from ooty, Here the temperature at summer is 15 to 25 degree C. and during winter season it is 5 to 10.
I interested in goat farming. so i have few doubts.
1. will the goats survive in Ooty temperature.
2. if survive – what kind of breed i need to select for farming
3. If not survive – can i farm sheep
4. in sheep farming – can i get Merino and Cashemere in India to farm for wool.
5. How much profitable is the sheep farming
Please advise me.
Hi , Iam from BAHADURGARH HARYANA i want to start goat farming ASAP with a number of 30 to 40 goats please guide me that which breed should i select for this what would be the cost i have 1/2 acre of land with boundry walls for shed and 1 acre for fodder as i am making my mind with TOTAPARI & SIROHI . Should I purchase small kids for startup and from where i can puchase the female goat and male also what would be the running cost and profit MY CONT NO IS RANBIR 9810335821 & JITANDER 9650308508
I am seriously planning to start a commercial goat farm for meat production in Ranchi jharkhand. i have a piece of land approx 3 acre at out skirt of ormanjhi block ranchi.
please advise to start as beginner since i have no exposure in this profile.
Dear admin
I am from Kerala and a b.com student so I am not at all educated in this field of farming but am very interested in this entrepreneurship thing… But the thing is that I want to start the farming with just 10 or 20 because I don’t have much land but I still want to do it… Please do suggest me your opinions and ideas and suggestions as to how I should I begin… And also note my place is 5 cents and it’s in the Kochi city… Please do help
i wanted to start goat farm at Daltonganj in palamau. I have only 74×66 feet are in daltonganj. Is it possible to setup the goat farming on the base of hydroponic green fodder system.
Please suggest.
I am from Mumbai, planning to start a Goat farm for approx. 500 goats. need design and traning. can you pls advice any contacts in mumbai
Hi Admin,
This is Nadeem here I am basically from Mumbai and my profession is into IT and as I know that I do not have a long future in my current profession I want to mself to start a goat farm near mahad .
I do not have land and want to purchase the same . I am looking out for a 1 acre farm near mahad which fits my budget .
My aim is to rear goats and sell them in my local city market . is the size of the chosen plot good enough for 100 goats . Also is mahad a good region for this purpose . It is approximately 4hrs from Mumbai .
Your guidance and reply is highly sought
W just started goat farming in badlapur in Maharashtra
W just started goat farming in badlapur in Maharashtra
Sirohi goat’s I have .in badlapur.any Maharashtra Parsons want to meet me and want to see my farm pl.visit.
My number 9820546227
I have started a goat farm in nalanda bihar . I have baught 25 black Bengal goat. I want to know which breed should be baught so that those goat will adjust easily in bihar climate. Another query is I want to know about fodder plan and sign of period of goat I.e how can I know this goat is ready for fertility.
I am having 5 acres of land, in that 2 acres i want to use for goat farming. 1 acre for goat farming another acre for growing fodder. I am North Karnataka. Please suggest me with how many goats i should start with, what is the initial cost involved.
I am interested in establishing goat farming at Maler kotla city, District Sangrur (Punjab).
I am an mechanical engineer with MNC with 9 years of experience as this field is totally new for me, I need assistance for start up.
Zubair Ali
I am also interested in goat farming. but I don’t have any experience. So for this I want to start with small numbers, take 5 or 10. But I am confused about the selection of breeds. I live in Asansol, West Bengal. Do you also provide any training?
I am from Kolkata and interested for goat farming. Please inform me the followings :-
(1) Minimum area required for per goat. (Accordingly I will search and buy land)
(2) Suitable bread for Meat (Dist : North 24 Pgs)
(3) Suitable Ratio of Female and Male goat in 100 Nos for starting.
(4) Average cost of feeding per adult goat (if no surplus land available for grazing)
(5) Minimum fund required for starting 100 Nos. goat
(6) Monthly running cost for the farm.
(7) Assumed profit for 100 Nos. goat
(8) What are the facilities, training and help you will provide to run the farm.
Waiting for the reply.
Hi everyone,
I’m from Patna, Bihar and want to start a business of goat farming but I’ve no land. I want to know that can one have any contact of land owner that gives his land in partnership basis on Bihar and West bengal region.
Wanting for revert.
Md. Firoz
Hi Firoz Bhai.. I have very big land in Ranchi in good area with half shed constructed and borewell is also there. I am looking for partner to work with me. Contact me if you are interested. Call me 7978660514
Thanks for the article
Very informative
Interested to start it in Siwan Bihar
Need support and gudience.
Share contact details for further discussion.
Best Regards
Hi Admin pls suggest me ,
I m Uttam From rajasthan ….i want to start my own business …so i m looking for Goat farming .
Pls suggest me on same . i want to ask u one more thing what is the climate condition required ?
And i m not having too much budget ..can i start From 15 goats ? pls suggest me .
My email id is Uttamsingh89@gmail.com
Hi Friends,
Very interesting facts!
I have a plot in Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, West Benagal adjoining to NH 34, about 5 acre with a pond and Mango & Litchi orchard in it.
I am interested to start a commercial goat farm in my plot.
Over here, mutton is in high demand in local markets and it sells Rs. 500/- per kg.
I want to rear goats and sell them.
Kindly suggest me how to start and also about marketing of the same.
Siddhartha Basu
Hi everyone,
I’m from Patna, Bihar and want to start a business of goat farming but I’ve no land. I want to know that can one have any contact of land owner that gives his land in partnership basis on Bihar Region
Wanting for revert.
Hi All,
I also want to start the business of goat farming in pandharpur Maharashtra 413304. I have land.
Can any give me proper guidance to built this business.
Sunil G
I want start goat farming in the remote mountain in Uttarakhahnd starting in 400 can you please explain and help me with consultancy, Cash flow sale in the market. capital investment and infrastructure.
what will be fast growing breed in the mountain?
Hello Sir I want Start Goat farming business project in the Mountain UK .
Please help us for proper implementation.
Rajender Singh
(India) Sir I want start Goat farming project near indore city . Please help us for proper guidance to built this business.
I am intrested to start with 250 Goats in Bhatrojlhan , Uttrakhand.
Need inputs on initial funds to start on the followings….
1.Purchase of 150 female for breeding and 100 male of 5-6 months old for sale in next 5-6 months for generating revenue for meeting expenditure.
2.Want partially stall feed raising.
3.Winter will be harsh , so will Bengal Black goat be able to survive.
4.Which breed would would you6 like to suggest.
5.Land available is about 60 Kanals of mountain land.
6.Altitude is about 5500 feet.
Awaiting your reply.