Fostering relationships is the foundation of any business. For a startup, proper relationships can result in early customers, employees, and partners. This relationship becomes more applicable for larger and more successful businesses as time passes.

The need to build relationships is also suitable in digital advertising. Yet, digital advertising requires many moving parts, and small business owners may find it challenging. Fortunately, you can use your advertising budget to create relationships with your target audience. This is the key to loyal customers who’ll buy repeatedly from you.

One way to ensure customers will have a positive relationship with you is through retargeting. This allows you to promote your business to those who visit your website yet haven’t bought anything on their initial visit. 

If you want to know more about retargeting, this guide will discuss some details.

What Is Retargeting?

Retargeting is showing ads to an audience that already showed interest in your products and services. It’s extremely focused, straightforward, and practical to promote your business.

This advertising approach is hugely focused as it shows relevant and unintrusive ads. For businesses, this can encourage sales, which is ideal if they’ve tried to gather more site traffic but only received limited purchases.

Below are two types of retargeting that you can implement:

  • Pixel-Based: Whenever an unknown user visits your site, this type targets ads on other sites they also try to spend time with. Essentially, this is the most well-known method to generate new customers.
  • List-Based: This method is about re-engaging customers and site visitors that are already on your contact list. Even if it’s not as good as pixel-based retargeting, it still plays a significant role in your advertising campaign. 

You can partner with an agency to grow your business with Google remarketing. They can help you attain more conversions and customers through relevant ads.

Retargeting Ad Formats

There are various ad formats that your business can deliver. What matters is choosing the formats based on your objectives to increase brand awareness or sales. You can also decide on the ad formats suitable for the product or service you offer. With that said, here are the ad formats that can assist your retargeting campaigns:

  • Dynamic product ads
  • Sponsored page posts
  • Carousel ads
  • Video ads
  • Link click ads
  • Photo ads
  • Stories

You can consider these formats in your campaign delivery to have more options for maximizing your return on investment and re-engaging leads.

Benefits Of Retargeting

Retargeting offers other benefits besides increasing sales, conversions, and engaging former site visitors. Knowing these benefits can help you decide whether to implement this advertising approach. Here are the other benefits of retargeting:

  • Boost Brand Awareness

You’re missing out if consumers don’t know the next move or the benefits they can gain from your business after visiting your site. Luckily, you can reach them again through retargeting. This approach motivates consumers to focus on your brand. This is so they know what site to check if they need to buy a product.

  • Obtain Insights

This approach also lets you know where most retargeting conversions are re-attained after users leave your site. Retargeting analytics makes this possible. Likewise, this analytics also allows you to assess your current and previous retargeting campaigns. This can guide your subsequent activities for obtaining more qualified site traffic. 

  • Cost-Effective

Retargeted ads have an extremely high conversion rate. For one, it targets warm leads that already showed interest in what you sell. Thus, you won’t waste money on these ads. You can also reduce your marketing budget because of it.

Strategies For Retargeting Ads Campaign

If you have decided that retargeting should be part of your advertising efforts, the next step is to know how to begin. Knowledge of the best retargeting campaign strategies increases the chance that you’ll encourage past site visitors to make that first purchase.

  1. Plan Your Campaign Based On User Behavior And Interests

If your prospects visit a blog post about a specific product or service, you can use images and language that includes that topic in your retargeting campaign. The same goes for prospects viewing your ‘Home’ and ‘About’ pages. You can send retargeted ads with broader information about your business and what it does.

By categorizing your audience into groups because of their online behaviors or interest, you can send retargeted ads related to where they are in the sales journey.

  1. Consider Retargeting Ad Frequency

One factor that many advertisers fail to consider is the frequency of their ads. Yet, it’s crucial to focus on it as it can affect the overall ad campaign’s performance. Repetitive ads that bombard consumers push them to look negatively at the brand that the ads are promoting. The reason for this is that these ads become annoying and intrusive. It can also lead to angry audiences, limiting the chance of potential sales.

  1. Offer A Sense Of Urgency In Your Ads

When you retarget your ads, you can use people’s ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO). This is possible by allowing a sense of urgency to dominate your ads. This is one of the most effective strategies for your retargeted ads to generate sales.

One step to take in this matter is to set a deadline. This pushes prospects to take action by weighing the pros and cons of not purchasing. You can add a countdown timer to your site for the promo you are running. 

Another step to creating a sense of urgency is to give an illusion of scarcity. Those who sell products can do this by stating that what they sell has a limited stock only. This encourages them to buy before someone else does. Those offering services can also begin this by saying that what they provide is only for a limited number of people.

Final Thoughts

Delivering retargeted ads is an excellent way to promote your business to warm leads. It has two types—pixel and list-based ads. This article tackled some points to help if you’re convinced about implementing this advertising approach. With this guide, you can now start retargeting your ads to have a cost-effective tool for driving more sales and brand awareness.


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