“It takes months to find a customer but only seconds to lose one.” This quote holds for any business. Customer service is an integral part of your company’s revenue-generating process.
Study shows that 90% of Americans factor in a company’s customer service when deciding to do business with them. Altogether, American companies lose an estimated 1.3 trillion dollars due to poor customer service.
There are many ways to prevent your company from losing profit because of poor customer service. One economical way would be to set up a Virtual Phone system to cater to your business needs.
A VPS allows an internet service provider to answer incoming calls from a toll-free, local, or any existing number. Call requests can be configured and forwarded to a mobile phone or any wired telephone service.
Callers are more often, not aware of this process as the call is put on hold. Service providers install a personalized greeting and offer a menu of options for the caller until they reach a live person.
A few ways are enlisted below to help you boost your customer service with an integrated Virtual Phone system.
1. Round-the-clock availability: Being available to your customers, 24/7 reflects how your company values customer concerns. When you can be reached from anywhere, anytime, no time is wasted in making a connection with your market. A third-party contact service provider ensures you are always online to meet customer demands.
2. You’re living in a community: Setting up a virtual phone number which includes an area code in the same location as your customers give them a sense of community. Even if you are miles away from them, they still feel your local presence. This gives your customers the impression that you are just there ready to be of service anytime. This builds trust and confidence in your business.
3. You offer a Customer Service Contact Center: Adding a professional touch to your business can be achieved by putting up a contact center. Even when you operate on a different time zone as your target market, you can still be accessible to them.
4. You provide accessibility to company departments: Create access to different departments by assigning extensions for everyone on your team. Customers can contact a specific department, depending on their concerns. This allows them to get particular answers without having to pass through several communication lines.
5. You have a creative number for easy recalls: A VPS allows your business to have a vanity number. It is composed of a combination of numbers and words that create a sequence recalled by customers. The alphanumeric key enables users to contact you when such needs arise.
6. Show a sense of professionalism. Separating your number from your business number gives the impression that you are serious about your business. It helps your customers relate to you with confidence.
With millions of businesses in the country, the best way to stand out is by providing impeccable customer service. It need not be expensive nor complicated, and installing a virtual phone system often does the trick. It gives your brand confidence and offers better interaction with your customers.