In today’s overly complex marketing scene, it takes upwards of 13 touches to transform a visitor into a qualified lead. 57% of the buyer’s journey occurs before they make first contact.
Numbers like these, alongside the real consumers behind them, underline a vital point. You have to have a deliberate system in place to convince a blog visitor to take that step to become a warm lead.
Without it, it’s difficult to get a solid ROI on your business blogging endeavors.
It’s safe to say that you’re attempting to generate leads with your blog? But how well’s that working for you? These 8 B2B lead-generation tactics will help you maximize your blogging ROI.
1. The UX-Friendly Popup
Who here detests pop-ups?
There’s no single, solitary way to push your target away with record speed. Be that as it may, when a pop-up shows that you actually care about customer experience, it turns into an exceptionally successful instrument for B2B lead-generation.
Rather than having the lightbox shows up when somebody enters the page, delay that popup. Give them a chance to peruse your blog first. Let them get to know you through the well-researched, and effective blog topics you cover on your site.

A Nielsen Norman Group study found that blog articles encounter a negative maturing effect. The more time you can keep somebody on the page, the longer they’ll choose to stay.
This is especially important on mobile where a popup could cover the whole screen if you’re not paying attention to user experience.

Given how rapidly mobile traffic is growing, you don’t want to make that mistake.
Getting the target audience invested rapidly, keeps them on the page. But trying to capture that B2B lead too early kills your dwell time and your SEO.
Perfect timing captures the lead.
2. Important Report
A thorough market report is hard to come by and often expensive for the potential client. It’s difficult to pass up the chance to get an in-depth report or white paper for free.
But here’s the trap you need to be careful not to fall into. There’s a huge amount of data to be discovered online for nothing. Make sure the report includes data and info that are either original or not easy to find and collect. That’s where the real value comes in.
3. Valuable eBook
Aren’t gated content strategies like eBooks “played out”? They’ve been utilized for lead-gem for what feels like forever.
What’s more, in all actuality, most eBooks that businesses offer aren’t much more than an over-hyped blog post.
For the eBook to be a successful B2B lead-generation instrument, it must:
Contain data that potential clients can’t discover for free, or effortlessly, on the web
Be organized and interestingly written (people like conversational eBooks)
Offer high-proficiency knowledge and techniques that can be used at the level of your audience.
Be sufficiently long (yet not very long). You want your prospect to feel they got a great value.
Most people probably won’t read it all the way through. That’s okay. You’ve still got that email to start the nurturing process.
4. Free Trial
Give a prospect a free trial of something. This only works if that free trial requires little effort on your part. Don’t over-promise and then find you can’t deliver.
Or offer a downloadable with in-app purchases.
This no-commitment micro-conversion gets individuals interested in your brand.
Can’t afford to give a free trial in your industry? Consider a sizable discount on the first order. Play around with the amount to find what works for you.
5. Lead-Generating Blog Topics
Everything begins with the points you cover in your blog. You can compose the most interesting blog posts possible. But if they’re not on subjects people are looking for, you won’t meet your B2B lead-generation goals.
The top of that pipeline we call a sales funnel is broken and needing repair.
Pick subjects that:
Seem relevant to the target client
Address their basic challenges
Answer their inquiries
Help them get surprisingly awesome outcomes
Seek out topics for different stages in the buyer’s journey. Turn a visitor into a lead, into a client.
Improve Your Blog for B2B Lead-Generation
You’re well on your way to boosting your blog’s lead-generation conversion rate. Just utilize easy to understand popups at the right time.
Track the outcomes through Google Analytics. Make an eBook that your prospect can quickly use to get results.